This paper is nothing more
than a burst of thought(s) that may or may not be correct in its entirety, but intended
not more than to further understand the Almighty Creator and His creations in a more understandable manner, at least at a
personal level. It shall NEVER be a medium of reference in any means under any
circumstances whatsoever.
Surah Adh-Dhariyat 51:49
all things We have created by pairs, that haply ye may reflect.
This particular ayat (sentence) is the catalyst that
drives me to pen down my thoughts. May God guide my actions and thoughts from
straying off the right path in this particular undertaking.
My approach is both religious and scientific for reasons that I believe every creation has a
creator, and The Creator Himself stated in the Holy Quran many times about the
importance of knowledge, and both religion and science are branches of knowledge.
And the Holy Quran has been mathematically accurate, and proven scientifically
correct time and again.
One of the current
mainstream scientific ideas of how ‘this universe’ works is that everything in it
is subjugated to the mathematical model that is the space-time continuum (STC).
In layman’s term Space is 3
dimensional (Length x Width x Height) and Time is 1-dimensional, therefore,
Space-Time is 4 dimensional. Physicists now routinely consider our world to be
embedded in this 4-dimensional Space-Time Continuum, and all events, places,
moments in history, actions and so on are described in terms of their location
in Space-Time[1].
This idea (STC) is great on
its own, and I have no objections to any of it, and it also serves as the basis
of my thoughts. And I have challenged myself to think out of the box, or the
universe rather, to have a better understanding of creation both religiously
and scientifically.
Currently our thoughts,
views, perceptions, assumptions, theories, hypothesizes etc., are evidently
limited and somewhat biased to the current understanding of the mathematical
workings of the universe. So it should be, and so shall it remain for many. It
is what we can only comprehend, but here lies the question, what about things
that we cannot comprehend?
Many a people nowadays have
the indoctrinated thinking that the universe happens or builds itself
naturally. Not created by anyone or any God. But if someone, anyone, say that
his house, his car, or mobile phones and tabs, builds or created itself naturally,
then people would deem him/her crazy.
Whereas the intricacy of a single
planet, Earth for example, is far more superior to that of a house, a car, or mobile
phones and tabs. Even the human eye cannot be duplicated or created by any ‘man-made’
machine. And yet, people who believe that the universe is natural do exist.
Professor S.W. Hawking,
stated in his book[2], that
time has a beginning, and matter derives from a singularity after the Big Bang.
Which raises another question, if time has a beginning, and matter came from a
singularity, then someone or something must have made it and triggered it.
Surah Al-Anbiya 21:30
those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a
joined entity, and We separated them and made from water every living thing?
Then will they not believe?
Imagine one is playing the
9-ball pool, the pool balls certainly do not create itself, sets itself, and
breaks itself, without someone creating it, setting it, and breaking the balls.
Now let us begin. I would
like to call our universe, in its entirety, simply as Area X. For the purpose
of this writing, let’s just imagine that it is a simple circle or sphere (or
whatever shape you want it to be).
In Area X, all deterministic
laws that govern the universe are applicable. The size of Area X is irrelevant
because the observable universe is limited to only what we can see. And if
Hawking’s theory is to be hold true, that matter came from a singularity, and
the Big Bang happened, and the universe is expanding, then by that logic
(imagine breaking the 9-ball pool), the universe must have an edge. For the
sake of this paper, we hold the theory to be true, hence Area X.

All deterministic laws that
govern Area X are not applicable in Area Y, its exact opposite. Consequently, the
STC doesn’t subjugate Area Y. Space and Time therefore is non-existence in Area
Y. Whether Area X and Area Y are intertwined, overlapped or vibrated, in the same
space or not, with one another is irrelevant, because the objective of this
paper is simply to provide understanding the existence of Area Y.
Imagine a computer
programmer that builds games. He created a program for
one particular game, and in that game there are two rooms, room X and room Y.
The programmer then created sets of rules for room X, and created different and
opposite sets of rules for room Y. Whatever is applicable in room X is not
applicable in room Y and vice versa. And most certainly is not applicable to
the programmer himself.
On a superior scale, The
Creator, created the universe also in pairs, Area X and Area Y, with its own
respective sets of rules, liberated from one another, and most importantly, not
applicable to The Creator.
If one is able to grasp this
simple concept, then one can be rid of, as I have mentioned earlier, the ‘thoughts, views, perceptions, assumptions,
theories, hypothesizes etc., are evidently limited and somewhat biased to the current
understanding of the mathematical workings of the universe’. The mind (way
of thinking) would be released from, and no longer limited to Area X alone,
therefore would be able to understand a little bit better of The Creator and His
This brings us to another
question. If Area Y exists, then who lives or occupies Area Y? In Islam and
most religions the world over, inhabitants of this particular Area, is
non-other than the Angels, Djinns, Souls, Heaven, Hell etc. Science has not
been able to proof the existence of Angels, Djinns, Souls, Heaven, Hell etc.
The reason being is science itself is limited to Area X. It has been set by The
Creator as a programmer would when creating a program.
Area X and Area Y co-exist,
and The Creator in utmost certainty is not subjected to whatever rules set in
Area X and Area Y.
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